Archive | February 2015

The Echoes of Silence (Part 4)


Ah! I couldn’t believe what I saw even a child would be able to identify what that was. With anger and tears fueling in my eyes, I turned my back at him and walked to the door.

“Cathy” he whispered

I trembled. I heard my name and the way it sounded all new to me. I liked the sound of it. He was awake now. I must have woken him with my cursing lips ever since I saw that ring. Oh! Why is he awake now of all times. I just wanted to walk away like nothing happened and continue with my half-left life. But no. Not now. Something held me back. I didn’t know what but I stood still.

“Cathy” he summoned again

Immediately, I turned to see him. His bulgy eyes were that of a drunken person. His face looked pale like a child suffering from cancer. I pitied him. Just like a slow motion scene, I walked back to where he laid.

“Don’t leave me” he muttered

What! Did he just say what I thought he said? Don’t leave me. Who left who at first? That word pained me like the fear of death itself. I wanted to give him what he deserved. A slap on his already lifeless cheek would do. Yet again, something held me back.

“Cathy, I’m sorry” he remorsefully said.

What are you sorry for? Are you sorry for calling me here or your sorry for getting married? I thought. All of a sudden, sorry became a word with different meanings to me. I would have asked but his body wasn’t ready for anything of such likewise his mind.

“Is there anything I should help you with Richard” I said with all utmost bluntness as I quietly sat down on the sofa next to him. He can’t know my weakness this time. I wouldn’t let him in. I’ve learnt a great deal.

“How are you Cathy?” He looked straight into my eyes and said. Why the question? Don’t look at me like you care!

“I’m doing fine” I stuttered. I wasn’t good at lying. I’ve never been. But at least I was keeping up.

“Richard, is there anything I can do for you?” I asked again.

“Erhmm….I’d want you to…..go to my house and……..collect some files I dropped in my room…..and…” He spoke like he was on his death bed. I became tired of looking at his face.

“And what?” I shipped in.

“And help me collect some clothes from Elsie, she knows where to get them for you” he softly spoke

Elsie who? That doesn’t sound like a name I know. Could that be his wife? Or his maid? Definitely not his twin. I could literally hear my heart beating faster as I thought about who this imaginary Elsie was. The thought scared me. I didn’t want to go anymore.

“Please Cathy, the files are important to me……at least you owe me that” he added. Like he knew I didn’t want to go.

“Okay then”, I said as I stood up for the godforsaken assignment. He held my wrist that I laid on the bed and summoned me close.

“I know you’re not fine Ezinne”. That name got to me and he knew it. It was a name he always used whenever he wanted something from me. He spoke like he knew me. Of course he does. I gently slid my hand away from his and sighed. I looked down at him with fury but instead of hatred, pity took the day. He was moaning and was breathing hard like a person suffering from cardiac arrest. What if that was it? Immediately, I rushed out of the room without thinking, headed straight to Dr. Ricky’s office.

“Doctor! He’s not alright, something is wrong”. I yelled. Something was definitely wrong with us.

He took it with a smile and calmly walked back to where he was. He gave him a sedative injection and shortly after, he slept off. He slept just after delivering what was more dear to his heart. He cared less of mine. Selfish heart. I turned to the doctor, we said our goodbyes and I left…..for my Richard-summoned assignment.


Getting to his house was not something to get confused about. I’ve been to his house more than I could remember my birth date. I opened the gate and drove in myself. The house hadn’t changed apart from the quiet life it now had. No gateman to help me close the gate. So, I did that myself. I pressed the door bell for the twelfth time expectant of who would answer it. But no one opened the door. I knocked this time believing someone would hear. No one still. I then turned the knob with frustration and to my greatest surprise, it opened. The house looked neat and had the same old stuffs I knew of. I didn’t have time to seat and think of the silly things and awesome moments Richard and I had in this same house. With a long sigh, I walked straight to his room.

On getting close, I heard voices in the room turn into screams then into moans. I was now at the door. Only a turn on the knob was all it took for me. But, I wasn’t ready. For what? I didn’t know what or why but I wasn’t ready. My heart has carried enough of things within the past weeks not now again. Something was going on in there. I could as well turn my back and leave but no, something held me back. With my heart in my mouth I quietly opened the door. My eyes couldn’t believe what I saw. My legs couldn’t carry me any longer.

“No!!!” I screamed as I stumbled on my knees. They saw me now. I’ve been caught. They stopped what they were doing and covered the parts of their body that needed it most. I was in shock. This was so wrong. I could recognise one of them and I could pick the pieces about the other one. That was his wife. Oh no! This couldn’t be happening……. His wife was having an affair with……Richard’s twin sister, Rose.

Shalom Oforji


Alright, we’ve seen half of the awkward things people do in public in the previous page and now we would be seeing the remaining half.



That feeling you get when you put a bud in your ear. Yeah true! I get that feeling too but there’s time for everything Hun. Sometimes we do things that feels good at odd times and that’s quite wrong. Have you stayed close to a person doing this and the next thing they do is to admire the stuff that comes out of their ears? Ewww! that’s gross…Just not in public please!



I think there should be vital things that should always be in one’s pocket or bag when going out or doing something tedious. This is awkward. No one should be caught using his/her hand in place of a napkin or a handkerchief. Why sanitize your hand with your sweat? It’s not even hygienic to do so. Well that’s for that.



“I want to wear heels like the Kardashians” “I want to wear a skimpy short gown like Beyonce”. Well, I admire your dream girl, but, there are other things to invest your skill into. That dream dies the moment you get to fall on those heels or when a cool windy breeze blows off your ‘Beyonce-like’ gown and advertises your little behind to the world. Lol! Won’t go any further, I guess this picture says it all.



This is quite embarrassing and also not polite. I understand we get to see some celebrities or hot chicks around but that doesn’t mean we keep every other thing on hold just to look at another person who doesn’t even know we exist. I know that’s not fair but hey, life goes on. Let’s stop making these people look like ‘gods’ in our eyes because we are all as important as they are in a way.



This particular one is more rampart in Africa region. Wait a minute! Who is catching the flow concerning this one? I think it does sound familiar to a lot of people. Who remembers childhood here? After eating biscuit and it hangs in the gum? Yeah yeah…..your catching the groove now. Lol! I did this. In fact I enjoyed doing this in public at a tender age. Not my fault, I saw others do it too. It was fun then, using your index finger to clean your gum anticlockwise and then licking it back but now, it’s ‘YULK’ and sadly some people have grown up with that attitude. Won’t point fingers, you know yourselves. Lol! Though this felt like fun way back but really, I’ve grown and I’ve learnt that it wouldn’t be nice doing this in public.

13. FART


This is wickedness to the human system. Why should innocent people suffer from things like this? It’s just not fair at all. Please, let’s all look for a way to control this kind of awkwardness. Don’t tell me yours doesn’t smell or that you’ve got a silent fart…. Just stop already. A fart is a fart irrespective of your definition. Give people around you a right to fresh air. Lol!



Won’t say much here. Just get a gum or something to ease out this bad breath because it’s more embarrassing for the innocent party who feels embarrassed talking to you. Or you could visit a dentist, I feel they’d know what to do.

Well, that’s all from my list,….additional opinions are welcome. Till I bring another cool dope piece, keep staying out of awkward attitudes in public.

(Anticipate Echoes of Silence. Part 4)

Shalom Oforji